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Adam Joan


Quick Stats

Director: Jinu Abraham 
Actor: Prithviraj  Narain  Bhavana  Lena 
Release Date: 01/09/2017
Length: 160 Minutes

Adam Joan Pothen is a rich planter who, because of his passion for farming even forgets to get married. And one fine day he comes across Amy a Jew and eventually fall in love with her. The two get married and goes to Scotland where Adam's family is settled. Later Amy dies due to complications in child birth and Adam leaves his child Ila with his brother and wife who are childless. Adam believes that the child is the reason for the death of his lady love and hence, he doesn't visit his child. Adam's life takes a turn when Ila gets kidnapped by Satan Worshipers as she is half-Jew and Adam with the help of his friend Syriac decides to find his daughter at any cost.


Above Average


Below Average


CineSpider Score
(Score out of 10)

Users Score
(From 0 Users)

CineSpider Meter Details

Average Rating from Critics: 6.1 /10
Total Critics Reviews Counted: 5

Good: 0
Above Average: 3
Average: 2
Below Average: 0
Poor: 0


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Contributors to the Adam Joan Movie Review


Times of India


If you are in the mood for a dark thriller and also want to watch Prithviraj in a stylish avatar, you could give the film a try.

Manorama Online


എത്ര മുൻവിധിയോടെ ചിത്രം കാണുന്ന പ്രേക്ഷകന്റെയും കണ്ണുകളെ ഈറനണിയിക്കുന്ന അതിവൈകാരികവും ഹൃദ്യവുമായ ക്ളൈമാക്സ്.


Adam Joan is a perfect stylish and dark thriller, but the screenplay could have been more smarter.

Filmibeat (Oneindia)


A Fine Thriller That Is High On Emotional Quotient!


Lensmen Movie Review Center


As an emotional story it has segments that would please you. Effort is there, but the result isn’t completely satisfying.

Adam Joan Movie Review From Top Critics

Lensmen Movie Review Center


As an emotional story it has segments that would please you. Effort is there, but the result isn’t completely satisfying.

Manorama Online


എത്ര മുൻവിധിയോടെ ചിത്രം കാണുന്ന പ്രേക്ഷകന്റെയും കണ്ണുകളെ ഈറനണിയിക്കുന്ന അതിവൈകാരികവും ഹൃദ്യവുമായ ക്ളൈമാക്സ്.


Times of India


If you are in the mood for a dark thriller and also want to watch Prithviraj in a stylish avatar, you could give the film a try.

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