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Priyadarshan Resigns From Kerala State Chalachitra Academy


Priyadarshan Resigns From Kerala State Chalachitra Academy

Director Priyadarshan has decided to resign from the post of chairperson of the Kerala State Chalachitra Academy. The director has handed over the resignation letter to Minister Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan, the Minister of Cinema,  on Wednesday. Priyadarshan was about to complete the three-year term as the chairperson of the Kerala State Chalachitra Academy by this month. But he decided to quit the position before the end of the term.

The Minister has confirmed the news and also stated that a new chairperson will be appointed soon after a new governing committee for the Chalachitra Academy is formed. Most probably National level award winning director Rajeevnath will be considered for the next chairperson.

Priyadarshan has mentioned that the resignation is due to the busy movie schedules. He was appointed as the chairperson of the Kerala State Chalachitra Academy in 2012 by the former Minister of Cinema, Ganesh Kumar.

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