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Director Sasikumar passed away


Director Sasikumar passed away

Famous Malayalam film director Sasikumar has passed away. He died in a private hospital in Kochi. He directed more than 141 movies in his film career which began in the mid-1960s. The Kerala State Government had honoured him in the year 2012 by the J. C. Daniel Award for his manifold contributions to the Malayalam cinema. 

He had gained world records for Maximum number of films directed by any director(141), Maximum number of films having the same actor as hero(84 with Prem Nazir), Maximum number of films directed in a year by any director in world cinema(15 films in 1977).

He started his career as director by Kudumbini in 1964. Thommante Makkal, Rest House, Lanka Dahanam, Bobanum Moliyum, Paadatha Veenayum Paadum, Sobharaj, Kunjattakilikal, Azhiyatha Bandhangal, Ethikkara Pakki are some of his famous films. He is often referred to as Hitmaker Sasikumar mainly due to the commercial success of his films. 

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