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Double Barrel before Antichrist


Double Barrel before Antichrist

Lijo Jose Pellissery will be doing the movie Double Barrel before Antichrist. Earlier the director was planned to do Antichrist as his next film. But due to its large production cost this movie will be produced later and also come in two languages. Now as per the director, discussions are done with foreign producers for doing Antichrist. Meanwhile he is planning to do Double Barrel before Antichrist.

Prithviraj, Fahad Faazil, Indrajith will be teaming up for this film. According to the Director this is going to be a stylish film. Director mentioned as 'Cuban Cigars and crisp beer, Dapper suits and sharp boots, Leather jackets meet Ray Bans, Jimmy Choo's and Louis Vuitton, Sexy cars and killing machines. This is going to be one wild ride of style quotient maximum as Prithviraj, Fahadh, Indrajith team up for our new film Double Barrel a.k.a. "Eratta Kuzhal".', through Facebook.

The film will be produced by Amen Movie Monastery along with August Cinema. The shooting will be starting on the mid of May.

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