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Blue-inspired from Aruna Shanbaug case


Blue-inspired from Aruna Shanbaug case

Award winning short film Director Venu Nair is planning to do his debut film. The film is titled as Blue. The story of the movie is based on a film maker Gautam who is considered like Kim Ki Duk among the film fraternity. This role will be done by Rahman.

Aparna Nair and Shrita Sivadas are the two heroines who play the lead role in this movie. Aparana plays the role of Janaki, an advocate and a diehard fan of Gautam. Shritha plays as Varsha,  an artist who admires the filmmaker. 

The film is also partly inspired by the life of Aruna Shanbaug, a nurse who has been living in a vegetative state  for about 40 years following a brutal rape. She got the national attention when a case seeking to euthanise her was rejected by the Supreme Court.

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