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Valiya Chirakulla Pakshikal


Quick Stats

Director: Dr. Biju 
Actor: Kunchacko Boban  Suraj Venjaramoodu  Nedumudi Venu  Salimkumar 
Release Date: 04/12/2015
Length: To Be Updated

The film is a partially fictionalized representation of the environmental disaster caused by the misuse of endosulfan pesticide inKasaragod District of Kerala in India. This disaster was caused by nearly two and a half decades of endosulfan use on government-owned cashew plantations. The film explores the disastrous environmental and public health consequences of the pesticide misuse. It also concentrates on those health-related effects of endosulfan misuse, that persist to this day.


Above Average


Below Average


CineSpider Score
(Score out of 10)

Users Score
(From 1 Users)

CineSpider Meter Details

Average Rating from Critics: 7.5 /10
Total Critics Reviews Counted: 4

Good: 2
Above Average: 2
Average: 0
Below Average: 0
Poor: 0


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Contributors to the Valiya Chirakulla Pakshikal Movie Review


Times of India


Valiya Chirakulla Pakshikal is by no means an entertainer or even a 'Veettilekkulla Vazhi' kind of film, but it is informative, poignant and painfully real.



May not be an easy watch, not just because of its content that is extremely disturbing. Still, it helps to open the eyes of all to realize the gravity of situation and that should be appreciated.




Valiya Chirakulla Pakshikal is disturbingly honest and poignant.



Valiya Chirakulla Pakshikal is a must watch film before you die and it not for you alone. You are watching this for a cause as well.


Valiya Chirakulla Pakshikal Movie Review From Top Critics



May not be an easy watch, not just because of its content that is extremely disturbing. Still, it helps to open the eyes of all to realize the gravity of situation and that should be appreciated.

Times of India


Valiya Chirakulla Pakshikal is by no means an entertainer or even a 'Veettilekkulla Vazhi' kind of film, but it is informative, poignant and painfully real.


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