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John Paul Vaathil Thurakkunnu


Quick Stats

Director: Chandrahasan 
Actor: Deepak Parambol  Shruthi Menon  Aniyan M Simon 
Release Date: 22/08/2014
Length: To Be Updated

John Paul Vaathil Thurakkunnu is an emotional-thriller film, which tells the tale of a young man drawn into a viscous web of betrayal and revenge. Based on Punathil Kunjabdulla's short story, the film shows how the humble lad from the village sets out to make things right.


Above Average


Below Average


CineSpider Score
(Score out of 10)

Users Score
(From 0 Users)

CineSpider Meter Details

Average Rating from Critics: 3.8 /10
Total Critics Reviews Counted: 8

Good: 0
Above Average: 2
Average: 2
Below Average: 3
Poor: 1


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Contributors to the John Paul Vaathil Thurakkunnu Movie Review


Mollywood Frames


"John Paul Vaathil Thurakkunnu" Malayalam movie takes the things for granted and it is an attempt that falls flat straight away.

Times of India


John Paul Vathil Thurakunnu persistently displays a timeline (date and time) just before almost every scene. This comes across more as a compulsory component for a thriller rather than something added with genuine purpose.




All in all, this ‘John Paul Vaathil Thurakkunnu’ didn’t open the right door. It could have been much better but as of now, will remain as an average entertainer packed with potential elements that could have worked a miracle.



Impressive storyline, OK for one watch...good in parts, but fails to rise above the average on the main


“ജോണ്‍ പോൾ വാതിൽ തുറക്കുന്നു” എന്നത് ശരാശരിയിലും താണ ഒരു ക്രൈം ത്രില്ലറാണ്. അത്തരം സിനിമകൾ ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നവരുണ്ടെങ്കിൽ, അവരെ ഇത് രസിപ്പിച്ചേക്കാം.



'John Paul Vaathil Thurakkunnu' comes across as a group of scattered scenes bound loosely by a fragile narrative. Some doors, they say, are best left closed.


Lensmen Movie Review Center


Overall John Paul Vaathil Thurakkunnu is a killer like Pavanayi. It has all the tools to kill you but you will survive and Pavanayi will die in front of you.


John Paul Vaathil Thurakkunnu is well worth a trip to the nearest theatre


John Paul Vaathil Thurakkunnu Movie Review From Top Critics

Lensmen Movie Review Center


Overall John Paul Vaathil Thurakkunnu is a killer like Pavanayi. It has all the tools to kill you but you will survive and Pavanayi will die in front of you.

Times of India


John Paul Vathil Thurakunnu persistently displays a timeline (date and time) just before almost every scene. This comes across more as a compulsory component for a thriller rather than something added with genuine purpose.


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