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Ithu Thaanda Police


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Director: Manoj Palodan 
Actor: Asif Ali  Abhirami 
Release Date: 18/03/2016
Length: 124 Minutes

In Ithu Thaanda Police (previously known as Driver on Duty), Asif Ali play the role of a police jeep driver, Ramakrishnan. After completing mechanical engineering Ramakrishnan joins for government job due to his mother's wish. Ramakrishnan got his first posting as a driver in the women police station which has about 11 woman personnel. The incidents which occur after his posting is the plot of the movie. 


Above Average


Below Average


CineSpider Score
(Score out of 10)

Users Score
(From 0 Users)

CineSpider Meter Details

Average Rating from Critics: 3.3 /10
Total Critics Reviews Counted: 3

Good: 0
Above Average: 0
Average: 1
Below Average: 2
Poor: 0


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Contributors to the Ithu Thaanda Police Movie Review


Times of India


There is no punch in the story that justifies the title or quality entertainment. You wouldn't mind giving this a miss.

Lensmen Movie Review Center


Ithu Thaanda Police is like a film someone wrote after watching all those outdated police stories which created a false filmy police image.




With a pathetic script, ordinary performances and amateurish direction, Ithu Thaanda Police will add up to the list of forgettable misadventures made without any purpose.

Ithu Thaanda Police Movie Review From Top Critics



With a pathetic script, ordinary performances and amateurish direction, Ithu Thaanda Police will add up to the list of forgettable misadventures made without any purpose.

Lensmen Movie Review Center


Ithu Thaanda Police is like a film someone wrote after watching all those outdated police stories which created a false filmy police image.


Times of India


There is no punch in the story that justifies the title or quality entertainment. You wouldn't mind giving this a miss.

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