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Quick Stats

Director: Jean Markose 
Actor: Indrajith Sukumaran  Asha Sarath  Joy Mathew  Parvathi Menon 
Release Date: 28/11/2014
Length: 119 Minutes
Music : Jakes Bejoy

The movie tells the story of a brilliant yet egoistic police officer named Hameem Haider. During an important investigation, he is sidetracked by external forces to keep him off the case. A priest and a journalist then enter his life, each with a motivation of finding more about Hameem's past. What secrets is he hiding?


Above Average


Below Average


CineSpider Score
(Score out of 10)

Users Score
(From 1 Users)

CineSpider Meter Details

Average Rating from Critics: 5.4 /10
Total Critics Reviews Counted: 13

Good: 0
Above Average: 5
Average: 8
Below Average: 0
Poor: 0


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Contributors to the Angels Movie Review




Angels is a social suspense thriller and a ‘good – attempt’.

Mollywood Frames


Jean Markose directed this film didn't pick up from that certain amount of reactions and the script too look unsteady for convincing narration. Overall its an average stuff.....




കണ്‍ഫെഷന്‍സ് ഓഫ് മര്‍ഡര്‍ കണ്ടിട്ടുള്ളവര്‍ക്ക് ഇതൊരു വികലാനുകരണമായിരിക്കും. അല്ലാത്തവര്‍ക്കു കണ്ടിരിക്കാവുന്ന ഒരു ത്രില്ലര്‍ നേരമ്പോക്കും.



Angels is a forgettable experience.




Angels' is not routine stuff, but doesnt inspire. 



Angels is meant to be a thriller but it is far from engaging. It is indeed disappointing that when the world around experiment newer styles to narrate engaging stories, our filmmakers refuse to move away from the boring, traditional track. If you are fine with that, watch this one at your own risk!




For all those lovers of thriller genre, this is cliché less, unpretentiously, undramatic investigative stuff in 'Angels' , though with certain loopholes. Go for it for a different experience 



The progressive incoherence is what mars the impact that 'Angels' would otherwise have made. A little old-hat perhaps, it's an imprudent thriller that squanders the initial potential that it had on show. 


Lensmen Movie Review Center


Angels is an execution failure that had the scope to be a really interesting thriller. Acknowledging the efforts to make a sensible thriller that also threw light on a less discussed topic (killing of fetus), I am going with a 2.5/5 for this thriller that failed to thrill. Angels is a onetime watch.



Angels is a good investigative thriller, with some unexpected elements included; having an excellent climax at the end. The film will stand as outstanding to those who didn’t expect much.




Angels..A decent Thriller that Worth Your time and Money


So overall its a Memories inspired movie that is definitely a one time watchable movie. For movie buffs who are frequently watching this genre from Hollywood, Angels won’t make you excited.


Filmibeat (Oneindia)


A cliched suspense thriller. No high expectations!

Angels Movie Review From Top Critics

Lensmen Movie Review Center


Angels is an execution failure that had the scope to be a really interesting thriller. Acknowledging the efforts to make a sensible thriller that also threw light on a less discussed topic (killing of fetus), I am going with a 2.5/5 for this thriller that failed to thrill. Angels is a onetime watch.



Angels is meant to be a thriller but it is far from engaging. It is indeed disappointing that when the world around experiment newer styles to narrate engaging stories, our filmmakers refuse to move away from the boring, traditional track. If you are fine with that, watch this one at your own risk!




Angels is a forgettable experience.



കണ്‍ഫെഷന്‍സ് ഓഫ് മര്‍ഡര്‍ കണ്ടിട്ടുള്ളവര്‍ക്ക് ഇതൊരു വികലാനുകരണമായിരിക്കും. അല്ലാത്തവര്‍ക്കു കണ്ടിരിക്കാവുന്ന ഒരു ത്രില്ലര്‍ നേരമ്പോക്കും.


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