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32aam Adhyayam 23aam Vaakyam


Quick Stats

Director: Arjun Prabhakaran  Gokul Ramakrishnan 
Actor: Govind Padmasurya  Mia George  Mia George  Lal  Arjun Nandakuma  Sunil Sukhada  Sasi Kalinga 
Release Date: 19/06/2015
Length: To Be Updated
Music : Bijibal

The movie revolves around a gift that the couple gets for their wedding anniversary.


Above Average


Below Average


CineSpider Score
(Score out of 10)

Users Score
(From 1 Users)

CineSpider Meter Details

Average Rating from Critics: 4.6 /10
Total Critics Reviews Counted: 8

Good: 0
Above Average: 2
Average: 5
Below Average: 1
Poor: 0


Detailed Review Area
Contributors to the 32aam Adhyayam 23aam Vaakyam Movie Review


Times of India


It's no run-of-the-mill tale and has a handful of elements that bring in some refreshing, unconventional thrill.



32aam Adhyayam 23aam Vaakyam is a disappointing affair because of the careless handling of the subject.




The film which begun as a decent one ended up as a failure.



Though it steers itself clear of the genre cliches, '32aam Adhyaayam 23aam Vaakyam' fails to shake off the awkwardness and plasticity that makes it a leap to nowhere. 


Lensmen Movie Review Center


Watching 32aam Adhyayam 23aam Vaakyam is almost like watching some of the group dance performances in college arts festival.



'32 aam adhyayam 23 aam vakyam' is surely a once time enjoyable watch.




The film which starts off promisingly, limps towards the end and caves in by the time it is done with.



In short 32aam Adhyayam 23aam Vaakyam stands as a good, as well as unexpected thriller movie; with an above average first half and an unexpected take off to a higher level in the latter half.


32aam Adhyayam 23aam Vaakyam Movie Review From Top Critics

Lensmen Movie Review Center


Watching 32aam Adhyayam 23aam Vaakyam is almost like watching some of the group dance performances in college arts festival.



32aam Adhyayam 23aam Vaakyam is a disappointing affair because of the careless handling of the subject.


Times of India


It's no run-of-the-mill tale and has a handful of elements that bring in some refreshing, unconventional thrill.

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